Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh my goodness it has been a long time. I apologize for those of you who check this often. Things here in Chile are going along. Daniel is finally working and is doing a wonderful job. He is working at a department store in the men´s section selling suits and ties. I am still waiting for a call back on a great job as a secretary at an elementary school 2 blocks away from our house. Here in Chile it isn´t normal to call and check on your application and I just have to wait. I do believe it is a God thing though. Our church has started meeting at this school and one day the supervisor was around while we were fixing up some things and started to chat with us. He out of the blue started asking if I had any experience and in what I had worked in before. Once I said receptionist he pulled me away to his office...(with daniel´s permission of course) and started talking to me about a position he has been waiting to fill. His wife is the principal and she needs a secretary. This school is a very poor school and the majority of the staff are christians, and so the children there get a some bible foundation. They have been waiting for the right person to do the job and since I also speak English, which would help the kids there motivate themselves to study harder, they think I am that person. I just haven´t heard anything yet.

So I would love to hear how things are with you so feel free to leave a comment or email us at my address or at
We miss you all so much and we think of Washington allll the time. Lots of Love and many BLESSINGS.
Daniel and Michal.

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