Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Newsletter

Wednesday June 25, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

As most of you know, Daniel and I are now living in Vina del Mar Chile, well about 15 minutes from there in a town called Villa Alemana. It has been really wonderful getting know Daniel’s life here. Daniel’s family is great, and they have welcomed me with open arms.

After lots of prayer and seeking of the Lord, Daniel and I have decided that we are going to be members of Daniel’s aunt and uncle’s church, “Mas Que Vencedores,” (More than victorious). This is a humble, little church, and it is filled with love for the Lord. The very first Sunday we visited I immediately felt comfortable with everyone. Daniel’s uncle’s name is Jose, but everyone calls him Pepe, so in Spanish he is Tio Pepe. I was impressed with him right away. He is a very wise man, and I know he is going to be a teacher to us.

Some of you heard about the ideas Daniel and I have about putting a ministry together. Before we left Washington we started the process of opening a non-profit organization called “Uriel,” which means “The Light of God.” Basically our vision or ideas are to open a community center based on Faith. With a place like this we would like to have classrooms for English lessons, and computer classes. We would also like to be a help for the other Christian churches around that might be looking for a place to hold there services etc. In the future we have the desire to work with orphanages in the area along with hospitals. A lot of these things we want to do will be done with the church we are attending. Uriel will exist to make Jesus Christ known in the community. We want God to fill the pages of what we are supposed to do with Uriel, so right now we are in the process of filling out paper work and dealing with all the legal details to make Uriel official. Until then Daniel and I will be working with our church in any way we can. This church is capable of a lot of things, but it lacks people willing to lead, and move forward with ideas.

Now for the big news!!! Don’t go thinking about kids now. Haha. As a non-profit organization Uriel’s donations are tax deductible. And the blessing is that Uriel can receive donations starting today. If you would like to donate something to Uriel ministries you can send them to Uriel at

4004 NE 4th St, #107-436, Renton WA 98059.

With God’s blessing Uriel can become a great blessing to others here in Chile and in the States. It could become a missionary base, a school, an orphanage, and so much more. God is the limit, and it’s amazing because HE HAS NO LIMITS! So if you all could be praying for Uriel, Daniel and I, as we are still waiting for God’s direction. Also as I am writing this letter Daniel is creating a Blog Spot, where we will be posting pictures and updates on what is happening with us. Here is the web address…

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