Thursday, August 14, 2008

July Newsletter

Thursday August 7, 2008

Our Dear Family and Friends,

So I am a few weeks behind on this letter, it is supposed to be every month and July just passed us. I was also waiting to write to you all until we had all of the good news at once to let out. First of all I hope this letter finds you all well, I pray that God’s presence and blessings have surprised you this month as much as they have us.

I am just going to be pouring out all the things God has done in our life these past few weeks, so hold on to your mouse. We have been praying and looking for jobs since we’ve arrived. Praise be to God that this past Monday Daniel started working!!! He has a job at department store that is very similar to Macys, for those of you that are familiar. He will be selling casual/formal suits, and other men’s clothing. He is very happy that he is working, because those of you who know him well this long 5 month “vacation” since the wedding had him bored out of his mind and going crazy. Right now Chile is not in a good place economically and so his salary isn’t great, but if he learns how to sell well commission will fill in the holes.

If you remember from our last letter we are apart of a wonderful church that happens to be full of Daniel’s family. Recently we moved from where we were renting, and have started doing our meetings at a nearby elementary school. This is an example of how God gives and takes away because everyone was so comfortable in the other church building and it was the normal….but now we are settling in, and a but uncomfortable, but we know that God has His purpose. This elementary school has a Christian base to it and it happens to be a school full of orphans, children from broken families, and children who come from homes where drug abuse is normal. It isn’t a public school, but it doesn’t have anywhere close to the money a private school should have. I will be sending pictures and you will see what I mean. This is a blessing because right at our fingertips we have the opportunity to be light where it’s needed, and to work with a bunch of children along with their families that are in need. Something that goes along with this is that about two weeks ago the head of this school offered me a job at the there. I would be the secretary of the principal. The pastor has heard that they are going to give me the job and are working on the contract, but I haven’t exactly heard anything from the school, so I will keep waiting. I am really excited about this because I feel it is the perfect thing.

There is still more news!!! A few days ago I was doing my final check-in at Liberty University for my second year there. I got to the part where it tells me my financial aid summary and I was aware that the government sent me about $4,000 for this year. I wasn’t expecting anymore help. As I look over the summary it says I have about $5,000, and I didn’t believe it so I logged into my account to double check. Not only did I have $5,000, but that is just for the first semester. Since the last time I had check I received more aid from the University and I was given another loan. It all comes to about $14,000 for the year, which is a lot more than I needed! I couldn’t help but cry because I had no idea how I was going to pay next semester, and right when you are coming down to the very last cent God surprises you. Daniel and I have been here for two months without work. We only brought what we had, and it obviously wasn’t going to last forever. Last week as we were not sure what we were going to do for the month of August, Daniel got a job, I was offered one, we were able to open a bank account to save, and my whole year at school is paid for PLUS BOOKS! You guys, God is so good, and when we realize that all we have is His like His word says and start living that way there is never enough room for His blessings.

Well I hope you didn’t hurt yourself when you fell out of your chair praising, and thanking God for all He isJ.

Just a reminder we have a blog spot for Uriel Ministries at We haven’t put an update in there for a while, but check it out soon! We are so happy that God has opened this door to this school, because we feel that here Uriel Ministries can start to bless and touch lives.

If you would like to send prayer requests, praises, donations, etc to Uriel Ministries you can send them to

4004 NE 4th St, #107-436, Renton WA 98059

Many Blessings,

Daniel and Michal

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