Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Groups Unite/Dos Grupos Se Unen

As Of March 2010 Uriel ministries has united with a ministry of educators in order to meet more needs in the city of Villa Alemana. We plan to do community outreach all over the city with the goal of bring families to Christ and planting them in churches. Our vision stays the same for this group of people have a very similar vision and are devoted to evangelizing and bringing whole families into the kingdom of God.

En Marzo de 2010 Uriel ministries se ha unido a un ministerio de educadores para poder suplir más necesidades en la ciudad de Villa Alemana. Planeamos alcanzar la comunidad con la meta de llevar familias a Cristo y plantandlos en iglesias. Nuestra vision sigue igual, este grupo de personas tienen una vision muy parecida y estan comprometidas a evangelizar y llevar familias completas al reino de Dios.

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