Saturday, March 13, 2010

Group Picture, March 13th San Luis/Foto Grupal, 13 Marzo, San Luis

Picture from Saturday March 13th-San Luis Villa Alemana
Foto de Sabado 13 Marzo-San Luis Villa Alemana

March Newsletter

Greetings from Chile March 13, 2010

Hello everyone. There are so many things to put into this letter, but I promise to keep things interesting.

As most of you know Chile has been shaken by a very big earthquake and very big aftershocks. We continue to feel them even though two weeks have passed. Daniel and I are located in the central part of Chile in the region of Valparaiso. The earthquake on the 27th of February was about a 7.5 for us. It was still big, but praise God nothing happened to our house. Altogether a mug, cup, and full bottle of balsamic vinegar broke which left the house smelling delightful, not. We were without electricity for a few days and just this week they cut off our water to fix some pipes in the city. But everything seems to be back to normal.

This last week (March 6th-12th) David McInnis came down for a quick visit. His purpose was to encourage and pray with us as God continues to guide us into the unknown. It was a very fast visit, but we were very blessed. He was able to see where Uriel was going to start working here in Villa Alemana and grasp a better picture of the community and its needs. As an organization we have so many dreams of reaching families for Christ and we are just going forward praying for the opportunity to make it happen. Daniel and I are also going through a very confusing yet blessed time where we are figuring out just what gifts God has given us to bless the people in this community. We are very encouraged this year, especially after David´s visit, to not let lack of resources or lack of community response gets us down.

As of this month Uriel has united with a ministry of educators who up until now have really been focused on children in the church. We have come together so that we can meet more of the needs of the community. Uriel´s vision continues the same, and this group has a very similar one, but has not had the opportunity to get out and do community outreach. They have been wonderful support to us and visa versa.

Today was a wonderful day. Uriel started working in a neighborhood called “San Luis” here in our town Villa Alemana. The program starts at 11:00 and goes till 12:30. Today we had 20 children and all 20 accepted Christ as their savior. The ages range from 4-15. The goal is to now go forward and teach them about salvation so that they can grow in Christ. On Tuesday (March 16th) we will be going around the neighborhood inviting moms to weekly workshops. Our first meeting with them (Tuesday evening) will be dedicated to hearing their ideas and needs so that we can effectively minister to them. Through these workshops the goal is to evangelize and reach their whole family. We are just so excited.

Uriel´s webpage is updated as well as the blog and facebook. Facebook has new pictures of all the kids we were with today plus some of the activities we did with them. Please take a look when you have time. Just in case here are the addresses.

Please keep us in your prayers. In order to go forward and accomplish all the plans we have for this year (listed on website and blog) we need more resources. We know that God knows where those resources are and how they will get to us, so we just trust in Him and move forward in faith. Thank you for reading and supporting us on this fascinating journey.

In Him,

Daniel Vergara and Michal Gettel

First Saturday in San Luis/Primer Sabado en San Luis

March 13th-
Today was our first Saturday doing the feeding program in the neighborhood "San Luis" in Villa Alemana. We started with a quick-start breakfast at 11:00 and ended at 12:30. The goal today was to get kids saved. There were 20 kids altogher and all prayed the sinner´s prayer. The goal is to continue to evangelize and make sure that these kids grow and understand what salvation is.
We are so excited to continue working in this area. The kids are very receptive and they all participated in the activties. This Tuesday (March 16th) we will be going around door-to-door inviting moms to get involved on Tuesday evening workshops. This Tuesday we will get together with them to find out what sort of things they are interested in learning. We will then search for the right people who can teach it. It is just another way to reach the families in this community. We are so pumped! Thank you for your prayers.

13, Marzo-
Hoy dia fue nuestro primer Sabado en la poblacion San Luis de Villa Alemana. Empezamos con un desayuno rapido a las 11:00 y terminamos a las 12:30. La meta hoy fue lograr que los niños oraran la oracion del pecador. Y ahora la meta es seguir evangelizando y que estos niños crezcan y entiendan lo que es la salvacion.
Estamos tan contentos estar en este lugar. Los niños son tan receptivos y participaron en todas las actividades. Este Martes (16) estaremos yendo puerta-a-puerta invitando a las Mamás involucrarse en tallers los martes por la tarde. Este Martes la idea es juntarnos con ellas para averiguar que son las cosas que quieran aprender para que podamos buscar las personas indicadas para enseñar. Es solo otra manera para alcanzar familias en esta comunidad. Estamos tan emocionados!
Gracias por sus oraciones.

Two Groups Unite/Dos Grupos Se Unen

As Of March 2010 Uriel ministries has united with a ministry of educators in order to meet more needs in the city of Villa Alemana. We plan to do community outreach all over the city with the goal of bring families to Christ and planting them in churches. Our vision stays the same for this group of people have a very similar vision and are devoted to evangelizing and bringing whole families into the kingdom of God.

En Marzo de 2010 Uriel ministries se ha unido a un ministerio de educadores para poder suplir más necesidades en la ciudad de Villa Alemana. Planeamos alcanzar la comunidad con la meta de llevar familias a Cristo y plantandlos en iglesias. Nuestra vision sigue igual, este grupo de personas tienen una vision muy parecida y estan comprometidas a evangelizar y llevar familias completas al reino de Dios.