Thursday, January 28, 2010

Newsletter Jan 2010

Greetings from Chile January 26, 2010

First of all we want to wish everyone a very happy new year. We hope 2010 is full of wonderful surprises and blessings as God continues to shape and mold every single one of us into His image.

We want to take this time to apologize to every one of you for the lack of communication these past months. More time than imagined has actually passed and that was never our intention. We realize that when an organization stops all communication many thoughts and things can go through one’s mind. We intend to go on to inform you what has been going on recently since our last letter and inform you of what will hopefully be happening in the near future.

Since our last letter Uriel has stopped working at the “Centro Juvenil” Youth Center in Quilpue for various reasons. July 11th 2009 was our last Saturday with the kids at the Youth Center. Many other Christian groups from the community began to help out with the Saturday program and actually applied for financial support from the city, which they ended up receiving. This was awesome news for us because we knew the children would continue to be fed literally and spiritually while we began to look for opportunities in Villa Alemana to start up another program. There were also some legal issues involved in our step down, as these groups began to take over some we realized they had no approval from the actual owners of the Youth Center, which Uriel had from the beginning, and we didn't want to take the chances of being held responsible for any problems that could come up as they were using the same property without legal permission. God, a few weeks later, confirmed to us that stepping down was the right thing to do.

Since July 2009 Uriel has been pretty much on stand-by. The group that was working at the Youth Center dropped down to three people and there has been no luck for a ministry site in Villa Alemana where we are called to be ministering. These problems and more we realize are spiritual and personal. Sometimes when we are waiting on the LORD we forget that we are still to be active in ministry. Sometimes we wait for everything to be in order and to be perfect before we start ministering, and we end up just wasting time. Over this time God has really been working in us. We have come to realize that where Uriel is weak (people, resources, ministry site, etc.) God will be our strength. We can't wait for everything to be in its place, otherwise we will never start; where is the faith? So we apologize that we have left you out of all this struggle, it's hard to explain what God is doing in you sometimes, you’d rather not say anything at all until there isn't anymore confusion.

Even though these past months have been challenging God has put a wonderful Pastor by our side who has been an incredible support for us. He is very interested to see Uriel work in Villa Alemana and has expressed desire to help make it happen. As of now, January 26, we are in the midst of deciding where to start working, and we are waiting on a meeting to be called with Pastor Andres and others to come up with a written plan to present to the municipality, which should happen in the weeks that follow. We are determined to be obedient to God and follow His voice where it leads. We hope that we can have some exciting news for you in our next letter.

Once again our apologies for the long period of silence, and may God bless each one of you at the beginning of this new year.

In Him,

Daniel Vergara and Michal Gettel

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