Thursday, January 15, 2009

God has opened doors.

As I am updating our blogspot for everyone to catch up with us before our visit I would like to share with you the doors God has opened in these past couple of weeks.

As many of you know I have started teaching English on Saturdays to a church staff that has a very similiar vision to ours and have started a feeding program for children in their area. They recieve missionary groups often and were in need of English lessons. Well the pastor of this church is named Cristian and is in charge of a youth center where he lives. This youth center is seperate from his church. He has been there for about 20 years, but recently the ministry´s leaders who are in Santiago have not been involved in this part of their ministry. So there have not been any recent events or activities for the youth in this humble area. The main reason no church group or the leaders of "Youth For Christ" (the name of this ministry) have left Cristian sort of out in dust is due to the kind of youth that live around this center. Cristian told us they did not want to risk anything by working with these young drug addicts and robbers. Daniel and I looked at each other and have been brainstorming about how to work with these kids. The property is there and ready to use. Cristian has seen our plan of work for this place and on Thursday Jan 22nd we will travel to Santiago to speak with the president just to see if Uriel could merge on their ground and work with these people that so much need the message of Christ.

Secondly, if you can remember a few months ago I told you all about this little school down the street from us. It is very poor and full of needy children. Well there is a possibility that Uriel could start to do an after school program with these kids. Also a saturday feeding program is also a possibility. We have been told that about thirty of the students there are malnutritioned and the school provides them breakfast and lunch throughout the SCHOOL year, Monday through Friday. That means these kids during summer vacation are not eating what they are supposed to, and the weekends throughout the school year are also not full of balanced meals. We will hopefully be having a meeting with the super advisor before we head off to Washington in order to bring you all this information.

Thank you!!

God bless you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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